Consider the number 6135246. Jai can change this number in the following way.

He can select atleast one digit and at most six digits (which need not necessarily be
consecutive) from this number, and shift them to the rightmost in their respective order.
For example- If she has 97361, she selects 7, 3 and 1, and the number becomes
96731. What is the minimum number of steps she takes to convert
6135246 to 1234566 ?


I get 6 steps: 234566

To find the minimum number of steps required to convert 6135246 to 1234566, we need to figure out the specific digits that need to be shifted and their respective positions.

One approach to solve this problem is to compare the digits of the given number with the desired number and identify the differences.

Let's start by comparing the first digit:

1. The first digit of the given number is 6, while the desired number has the digit 1. As there is a difference, we need to shift this digit.

To shift this digit, we can perform the following steps:
- Extract the digit from the original number.
- Remove the extracted digit from its original position.
- Append the extracted digit at the end of the number.

Following this approach, the number after shifting the first digit would be: 1352466.

Next, we compare the second digit:

2. The second digit of the given number is 1, and the desired number also has the digit 1. So there is no difference.

Continuing this process with the remaining digits, the number after performing all the necessary shifts to convert 6135246 to 1234566 would be:

1352466 -> 1523466 -> 1235466 -> 1234656 -> 1234566.

Therefore, it takes a minimum of 4 steps to convert 6135246 to 1234566.