
true or false

With the limited data, there is no way of telling.

To determine whether the expression -14s-1 is true or false, we need more information. The given expression is an algebraic expression. To evaluate it, we would need to know the value of the variable s.

If the value of s is known, we can substitute it into the expression and perform the necessary calculations to get a numerical result. For example, if s = 5, we would substitute s with 5:

-14(5) - 1

Then we can simplify the expression:

-70 - 1

Which gives us:


So, the expression -14s-1, when s is substituted with 5, evaluates to -71.

However, without knowing the value of s, we cannot determine whether the expression is true or false. It's just an algebraic expression that represents a relationship between the variable s and the numbers involved.