Elizabeth has 17/10 as many plants as Rosalie has in her garden. If Elizabeth has 51 plants, how many plants does Rosalie have in her garden? Explain.

Do it the same way I showed you on the last problem.

whats the answer

To find the number of plants Rosalie has in her garden, we need to determine the ratio between the number of plants Elizabeth has and the number of plants Rosalie has.

The given information tells us that Elizabeth has 17/10 as many plants as Rosalie. "As many as" can be represented as an equal sign, so we can set up the equation:

Elizabeth's plants = Rosalie's plants * (17/10)

We are also given that Elizabeth has 51 plants. Plugging this value into the equation, we get:

51 = Rosalie's plants * (17/10)

To isolate the variable Rosalie's plants, we divide both sides of the equation by (17/10):

51 / (17/10) = Rosalie's plants

To divide by a fraction, we multiply by its reciprocal. Therefore:

51 / (17/10) = 51 * (10/17) = 30

So, Rosalie has 30 plants in her garden.