What is the solvent of a cup of tea in homogeneous

To determine the solvent of a cup of tea, we need to understand the nature of a homogeneous mixture. A homogeneous mixture is a uniform combination of two or more substances, where the components are evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

In the case of a cup of tea, the components typically include water, tea leaves (or tea bags), and possibly sweeteners such as sugar or honey. The solvent in this case, which is the component that does the dissolving, is water.

To confirm this, you can think about the process of making tea. When you pour hot water over the tea leaves or tea bags, the water extracts the flavor, aroma, and compounds from the tea leaves. The water acts as a solvent by dissolving these substances, resulting in the infusion of tea.

So, in a cup of tea, water is the solvent in the homogeneous mixture.