quote or paraphase. Examples and explain your answers

Read through all of this so you understand the differences and their different uses.

Examples A - D are especially helpful to show you when quoting and paraphrasing are (D) and aren't (A-C) being used correctly.

Sure! Here's an example quote followed by a paraphrase, along with an explanation of how to arrive at those answers:

Example quote:
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

To find a quote, you can search for famous quotes on a particular topic, or if you know the name of the person who said it, you can search for quotes related to them. In this case, we were looking for a quote on the subject of success and failure, so we searched for quotes on that topic. Winston Churchill was known for his inspirational quotes, so his name was included in the search as well.

Example paraphrase:
"Success is never permanent, and failure is never fatal. What truly matters is having the courage to keep going." - Winston Churchill

A paraphrase is restating the original quote or idea in your own words, while keeping the meaning intact. In this case, we used similar words and ideas to communicate Churchill's message, but we rephrased it to make it our own. It's important to remember that when paraphrasing, you should still maintain the essence and tone of the original quote or idea.