Please advise how it is I go about finding the missing fraction. I get so confused. The problem is: N-3/5=1/4

I know the LCD would be 20 but from there, I am lost. Thank you.

To get equivalent fractions, multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number.

20/5 = 4
3 * 4 = 12
3/5 = 12/20

Do the same for 1/4


if we multiply a fraction by itself and divide the product by its resiprocal then we get the fraction 512/27.which one of the following fraction is the original fraction

Yijgbgb tdgftf

To find the missing fraction in the equation N - 3/5 = 1/4, you need to isolate the variable N. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Find the least common denominator (LCD) of the fractions involved. In this case, the LCD is indeed 20 since it is the least common multiple of 5 and 4.

Step 2: Multiply every term in the equation by the LCD (20) to clear the fractions. This will help you eliminate the denominators.
- 20(N - 3/5) = 20(1/4)
- 20N - (20 * 3/5) = (20 * 1/4)

Step 3: Simplify each side of the equation.
- 20N - 12 = 5

Step 4: Move the constant term (in this case, -12) to the opposite side of the equation by adding 12 to both sides.
- 20N - 12 + 12 = 5 + 12
- 20N = 17

Step 5: Isolate the variable N by dividing both sides of the equation by 20.
- (20N)/20 = 17/20
- N = 17/20

So, the missing fraction in the equation N - 3/5 = 1/4 is N = 17/20.