8. Convert the scale to a unit rate. Show your work. Interpret the meaning of the unit rate.

3/10 and 7/8

i need help also sorry hopefully someone will help us out on this one.

This is quite easy just cross multipy for x

To convert a scale to a unit rate, we first need to understand what the scale represents. A scale is a ratio that compares the dimensions of an object in a drawing or a model to the actual dimensions of the object itself.

Let's say we have a scale of 1 inch : 5 feet. To convert this scale to a unit rate, we need to determine how many feet are represented by one inch.

We can do this by dividing the second number (the feet) by the first number (the inches) in the scale: 5 feet ÷ 1 inch = 5 feet/inch.

This means that for every 1 inch on the drawing or model, it represents 5 feet in real life. This is the unit rate, as it represents the equivalent amount of one unit (1 inch) to another unit (5 feet).

The unit rate of 5 feet/inch means that for every inch on the drawing or model, it represents a length of 5 feet in real life.

Interpreting the meaning of the unit rate depends on the context in which it is used. In this example, it indicates that the scale is 5 times smaller than the actual size. For example, if we measure an object on the drawing and find it to be 2 inches, we can multiply it by the unit rate to determine its real-life length: 2 inches x 5 feet/inch = 10 feet. So a 2-inch measurement on the drawing represents a length of 10 feet in reality.