To keep a positive attitude on the job, you should

A. look for the perfect company—this will ensure everything will be all right.
B. complain about the things that bother you so they can get straightened out.
C. encourage others to help you with your work.
D. look for the good in people and things, not just the bad.

I think is B , is that right?

I strongly disagree. Complaining is not a way to keep positive attitudes in anyone.

Oh my bad i meant D!

Yes, D is right.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options together.

A. "Look for the perfect company—this will ensure everything will be all right." This option suggests that finding the perfect company will automatically lead to a positive attitude on the job. While a good work environment can contribute to a positive outlook, it is not solely dependent on the company.

B. "Complain about the things that bother you so they can get straightened out." This option suggests that complaining about things that bother you will help improve the situation. While it is important to address concerns in the workplace, focusing solely on complaints may not foster a positive attitude.

C. "Encourage others to help you with your work." This option suggests asking others for help, which can foster camaraderie and teamwork. While teamwork can contribute to a positive work atmosphere, it is not the only factor for maintaining a positive attitude.

D. "Look for the good in people and things, not just the bad." This option suggests focusing on the positives rather than dwelling on the negatives. Cultivating a positive mindset and seeking the good in people and situations can contribute significantly to maintaining a positive attitude on the job.

Based on the analysis, option D, "Look for the good in people and things, not just the bad," is the correct answer. This option aligns with the principle of maintaining a positive attitude by emphasizing optimism and positivity.