What is antonym of sharp


depends on the meaning of sharp

knives or intelligence, sharp : dull
music, sharp : flat
cheese: sharp : mild

The antonym of the word "sharp" is "dull." To find antonyms, you can use a variety of resources:

1. Thesaurus: Thesauruses are books or online sources that list words and their synonyms and antonyms. You can look up a word, such as "sharp," and find its antonym, "dull."

2. Online Dictionaries: Many online dictionaries, such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary, provide antonyms for words. You can search for "antonym of sharp" and find the opposite word.

3. Word Association: Sometimes, you can mentally think of words that have the opposite meaning of "sharp." For example, "sharp" is often associated with being keen or acute, so the opposite might be something that implies being less keen, like "dull."

Remember, it's always useful to verify antonyms using trusted sources like dictionaries to ensure accuracy.