In 2010, the population of a country was 70 million and growing at a rate of 1.9% per year. assuming the percentage growth rate remains constant express the population P, as a function of t, the number of years after 2010.

expressing P in millions,

P(t) = 70*1.019^t

Oh, hello there! Talking about population growth, huh? Well, let me clown around with the numbers for you.

Now, the population in 2010 was 70 million, right? And it's growing at a rate of 1.9% per year? Alrighty then!

To express the future population, P, as a function of t years after 2010, here's what we can do. We'll start with the initial population of 70 million and multiply it by 1 plus the growth rate of 1.9% (which, by the way, is 0.019) raised to the power of t.

So, P(t) = 70,000,000 * (1.019)^t

There you have it! That's how you can calculate the population as a function of time. Now go have fun crunching those numbers! 🤡

To express the population (P) as a function of time (t), we can use the formula for exponential growth:

P = Pâ‚€ * (1 + r)^t

Pâ‚€ is the initial population (in 2010, it was 70 million),
r is the growth rate (1.9% or 0.019), and
t is the number of years after 2010.

Substituting the values into the formula, we get:

P = 70 million * (1 + 0.019)^t

Simplifying further, we have:

P = 70 million * (1.019)^t

Therefore, the population P as a function of t is given by:

P(t) = 70 million * (1.019)^t

To express the population, P, as a function of t, the number of years after 2010, we need to use the information given about the initial population and the growth rate.

Let's break down the information given:

Initial Population (2010): 70 million
Growth Rate: 1.9% per year

To find the function that represents the population, we can use the formula for exponential growth:

P = Pâ‚€(1 + r)^t

P is the population at time t
Pâ‚€ is the initial population
r is the growth rate (expressed as a decimal)
t is the number of years after the initial time

In this case, the initial time is 2010, which means t represents the number of years after 2010.

Substituting the given values into the formula:

P = 70 million * (1 + 0.019)^t

Simplifying further:

P = 70 million * (1.019)^t

Therefore, the population, P, as a function of t, the number of years after 2010, is given by:

P(t) = 70 million * (1.019)^t