can you put the following nmbers in order form least to greatest?

17.11; 17.107; 17; 17.001

Yes, I can. Can you?

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Good one miss Sue.

I am guessing you
Teach or have taught

I'll try....

17; 17.001; 17.107; 17.11

You're right! Great!

Mine was wrong this is my husbands work. I am having a hard time understanding this math. (daughters 5th grade).Does place value start to the right of the decimal with tens?

Yes. Think of money.

Imagine that these numbers were dollars and cents.


Sure! To put these numbers in order from least to greatest, we need to compare each number and arrange them accordingly.

First, let's compare the whole numbers. We have 17, 17.11, 17.107, and 17.001. Since the whole numbers are all 17, we need to compare the decimal parts.

Next, let's compare the numbers with one decimal place. We have 17.11 and 17.107. The number 17.11 has a smaller decimal portion than 17.107, so 17.11 comes first.

Now let's compare the numbers with three decimal places. We have 17.107 and 17.001. The number 17.001 has a smaller decimal portion than 17.107, so 17.001 comes before 17.107.

Putting all the numbers in order from least to greatest, we have: 17, 17.001, 17.11, 17.107.