Anybody can servce om the committee, as long as his children

goto the school.

What is your question?

Please proofread your sentence.

Anybody can serve on the (blank) committee, as long as his/her children go to school there.

It seems like you want to know who can serve on a committee as long as their children attend the school.

To find the answer, you need to consider the requirements or guidelines set by the committee. Typically, committees have specific qualifications or eligibility criteria for members.

If there are no specific requirements mentioned by the committee, it is possible that any parent whose children attend the school may serve on the committee. In such cases, the only condition is that the person must be a parent with children at the school.

To get a definite answer, you should check the committee's official guidelines or contact the committee directly to inquire about their specific requirements for serving on the committee. This will help you determine if there are any additional criteria or qualifications that must be met.