what is 9 1/5 minus 3/5?

8 and 3/5

what is 8 6/5 - 3/5 ?

8 And 3/5

To find the difference between two fractions, you need to have the same denominator. In this case, both fractions have a denominator of 5, so we can subtract them directly.

To calculate 9 1/5 minus 3/5, we need to convert the whole number 9 into a fraction with a denominator of 5.

9 can be written as 9/1 (since any number divided by 1 is equal to itself). So, we have:

9 1/5 - 3/5

Now, we need to make the denominators of both fractions the same (5). To do that, we multiply the 9 by 5 to get the common denominator.

9 * 5 = 45

So, now we have:

45/5 1/5 - 3/5

Both fractions now have the same denominator, so we can subtract them directly:

(45/5 + 1/5) - 3/5 = 46/5 - 3/5

Subtract the numerators:

46 - 3 = 43

Keep the denominator the same:


Therefore, 9 1/5 minus 3/5 is equal to 43/5.