Estimate the product of 1 9/10 and 15. Describe your method.

Also,estimate the product of 3 7/8 and 25. Describe your method.

Please answer and explain.

1 9/10 is close to 2.

2 * 15 = 30

I'll be glad to check your answer for the other problem.

can you check the other one

Seriously can you help me with the other one.

To estimate the product of 1 9/10 and 15, we can use a method called rounding.

1) First, we convert the mixed number 1 9/10 into an improper fraction. 1 9/10 can be written as (10 * 1 + 9)/10 = 19/10.
2) Then we round the fraction 19/10 to the nearest whole number. In this case, 19/10 is slightly more than 1. Therefore, we round it up to 2.
3) Finally, we multiply the rounded number (2) by 15. 2 * 15 = 30.

So, the estimate of the product of 1 9/10 and 15 is 30.

Now let's estimate the product of 3 7/8 and 25 using the same method.

1) Convert the mixed number 3 7/8 into an improper fraction. 3 7/8 can be written as (8 * 3 + 7)/8 = 31/8.
2) Round the fraction 31/8 to the nearest whole number. In this case, 31/8 is slightly more than 3, so we round it up to 4.
3) Multiply the rounded number (4) by 25. 4 * 25 = 100.

Therefore, the estimate of the product of 3 7/8 and 25 is 100.