valerie earns $25 a day plus $3 for each dog she washes. make a function table to show the relationship between the number of dogs she washed d and the total amount earned t in one day. write an equation to represent the situation.

To create a function table for this situation, we can start by listing different values for the number of dogs washed (d) and finding the corresponding amount earned (t). Let's assume we consider the values of d ranging from 0 to 5:

- For d = 0 (no dogs washed):
t = $25 + ($3 × 0) = $25

- For d = 1 (one dog washed):
t = $25 + ($3 × 1) = $25 + $3 = $28

- For d = 2 (two dogs washed):
t = $25 + ($3 × 2) = $25 + $6 = $31

- For d = 3 (three dogs washed):
t = $25 + ($3 × 3) = $25 + $9 = $34

- For d = 4 (four dogs washed):
t = $25 + ($3 × 4) = $25 + $12 = $37

- For d = 5 (five dogs washed):
t = $25 + ($3 × 5) = $25 + $15 = $40

Now we can create the function table:

| d | t |
| 0 | 25 |
| 1 | 28 |
| 2 | 31 |
| 3 | 34 |
| 4 | 37 |
| 5 | 40 |

To represent this situation with an equation, we notice that the total amount earned ($t) is dependent on the number of dogs washed (d). So we can use the equation:

t = $25 + ($3 × d)

This equation calculates the total amount earned (t) by multiplying the number of dogs washed (d) by $3 and adding it to the base amount of $25.