Lin-Yee is helping to set up a health clinic in Inuvik by collecting and shipping medical supplies from Calgary. She has found these shipping rates online:

• regular rate: $2.10/lb
• ship 101 to 500 lb, get a 20% discount
• ship over 500 lb, get a 40% discount
A large medical supply company has promised to donate 12 hospital beds and 4 wheeled stretchers over four months. Each bed weighs 58 kg and each stretcher weighs 90 lb.

a) How much will it cost total if she ships a quarter of the equipment (three beds and one stretcher) each month?
b) How much will it cost total if she ships half the equipment every two months?

3Beds * 58kg/Bed * 1Lb/0.454kg=383 Lbs

= Wt. of the Beds.

90 Lbs. = Wt. of stretcher.

Total Wt = 383 + 80 = 473 Lbs.

Cost = 2.10/Lb*473Lbs - 20% Discount.
Cost = 993.30 - 0.20*993.30 = $794.64.

Total cost = 4 * 794.64 = $3178.56

b. 6Beds*58kg/Bed * 1Lb/0.454kg=767 Lbs
= Wt. of the Beds.

2 * 90 = 180 Lbs = Wt. of the stretchers.

Tot. Wt. = 767 + 180 = 947 Lbs.

Cost = P - 0.4P = 0.6P.
Cost = 0.6 * 2.10/Lb*947Lbs = $1193.22

Tot. Cost = 2 * 1193.22 = $2386.44.

a) To calculate the total cost of shipping a quarter of the equipment each month, we need to find out the weight of three beds and one stretcher.

First, let's convert the weight of the beds and stretcher to the same unit.

Since each bed weighs 58 kg, we can convert it to pounds by multiplying by the conversion factor 2.20462 (1 kg = 2.20462 lbs):

58 kg * 2.20462 = 127.86836 lbs (approximately 128 lbs)

Now, let's calculate the total weight of three beds and one stretcher:

(3 beds * 128 lbs/bed) + (1 stretcher * 90 lbs/stretcher) = 384 lbs + 90 lbs = 474 lbs

Now that we know the weight, let's calculate the cost of shipping.

If the weight falls within the range of 101 to 500 lbs, we get a 20% discount. Otherwise, we get a 40% discount.

Since 474 lbs falls within the range, we'll apply the 20% discount.

Regular shipping rate per lb is $2.10, so the discounted rate would be 80% of $2.10:

Discounted shipping rate per lb = $2.10 * 0.8 = $1.68

Now, let's calculate the total cost:

Total cost = Total weight * Discounted shipping rate per lb
= 474 lbs * $1.68/lb
= $796.32

Therefore, it will cost a total of $796.32 if she ships a quarter of the equipment (three beds and one stretcher) each month.

b) To calculate the cost of shipping half the equipment every two months, we need to find out the weight of six beds and two stretchers.

Following the same process as before:
Weight of six beds = 6 beds * 128 lbs/bed = 768 lbs
Weight of two stretchers = 2 stretchers * 90 lbs/stretcher = 180 lbs

Total weight = 768 lbs + 180 lbs = 948 lbs

Now, let's calculate the cost of shipping with the same discount rates.

Since 948 lbs is over 500 lbs, we'll apply the 40% discount.

Discounted shipping rate per lb = $2.10 * 0.6 = $1.26

Total cost = Total weight * Discounted shipping rate per lb
= 948 lbs * $1.26/lb
= $1,195.28

Therefore, it will cost a total of $1,195.28 if she ships half the equipment every two months.