1. Listening to the dialogue, write a number in order.

2. Listening to the dialogue, write the numbers in order.

Which one is correct? There are 7 scrambled sentences in a dialogue in the box.

The second one is correct.

Based on the given information, it seems that the correct instruction would be:

2. Listening to the dialogue, write the numbers in order.

This suggests that you should write the scrambled sentences in the dialogue in the correct numerical order.

To determine which option is correct, you need to understand the instructions and analyze the given information.

In this case, the instructions state that there are 7 scrambled sentences in a dialogue. The key phrase here is "scrambled sentences." This implies that the sentences are not in the correct order and need to be arranged.

1. "Listening to the dialogue, write a number in order." - This option instructs you to write a single number in order. However, it doesn't specify whether it should be the order of the scrambled sentences or any other type of order. Therefore, this option is unclear and does not provide enough information to determine which number to write.

2. "Listening to the dialogue, write the numbers in order." - This option specifically asks you to write "the numbers" in order. Since there are 7 scrambled sentences, each corresponding sentence could be assigned a number. By listening to the dialogue and determining the order of the sentences, you can then write the corresponding numbers in the correct sequence.

In conclusion, option 2, "Listening to the dialogue, write the numbers in order," is the correct choice. By arranging the scrambled sentences in the dialogue and assigning them numbers, you can write the corresponding numbers in the correct order.