The composer utilized the minor mode in Symphonie fantastique to represent

A. joy and love.
B. gloom and ferocity.
C. solemnity and brilliance.
D. earthiness.

I'm thinking B .

was that right?

To determine whether the composer utilized the minor mode in Symphonie fantastique to represent gloom and ferocity, we can analyze the musical characteristics of the minor mode.

The minor mode is often associated with darker and more melancholic emotions compared to the major mode. It typically conveys feelings of sadness, seriousness, and intensity. Compositions in the minor mode often have a more somber and dramatic atmosphere.

In Symphonie fantastique, a programmatic work composed by Hector Berlioz, the music tells a story of an artist's unrequited love and subsequent opium-induced hallucinations. Given the nature of the storyline, the emotions of gloom and ferocity are indeed present.

Therefore, your answer of B. gloom and ferocity is correct. The composer utilized the minor mode in Symphonie fantastique to represent these emotions.