Have buyers become more conscious now that websites give so much competitive information about price and coupons for so many products that are readily available? In that a good thing or not for marketers?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. This would depend upon the Website the marketer has and the competitive price. Indeed, a wise buyer, before bying a product will look online for the best prices, shipping, guarantee, etc.

Yes, buyers have indeed become more conscious due to the abundance of competitive information about price and coupons available on websites. The ease of access to such information empowers buyers to make more informed purchasing decisions.

From a buyer's perspective, this is generally considered a good thing. They can compare prices across multiple retailers and find the best deals on products they are interested in. With the ability to quickly search for coupons and discounts, customers can save money and make more cost-effective choices.

However, from a marketer's perspective, it poses some challenges. The increased transparency in pricing and availability puts pressure on businesses to remain competitive. Marketers need to constantly monitor their competitors' prices and promotions to ensure they are offering a compelling value proposition to potential buyers. Additionally, they must find creative ways to differentiate their products or services beyond just price, such as emphasizing quality, unique features, or excellent customer service.

Overall, while the ease of accessing competitive information benefits buyers, it also presents a more challenging landscape for marketers. They must adapt their strategies to meet the expectations of informed buyers and find ways to effectively communicate their value proposition beyond just pricing.