John Yinger thinks that the natural-born clause should be removed because (1 point)it makes international policy more difficult.

it goes against a central principle of American democracy.
it damages the relationship between American citizens and immigrant communities.

2. What do natural-born citizens and naturalized citizens have in common? (1 point)Both can run for president.
Both are citizens of the United States.
Both are born in the United States.

3. Which statement shows a contrast between the two opinions in the first selection? (1 point)The Constitution should be amended.
America is open to foreign-born citizens.
The president should be loyal to our country.

4. You would expect an authoritarian person to
(1 point)respect individual freedom.
ask for other people's opinions.
demand total obedience.

5. When Nicholas Gage says Miss Hurd "nearly dragged" him onto his life's path, he is using (1 point)comparison.

6. In "The Teacher Who Changed My Life," the author is trying to persuade readers that
(1 point)immigrants face lots of difficulties.
schoolteachers are not appreciated enough.
he owes his success to Miss Hurd.

7. Which of the following sentences contains a compound predicate? (1 point)The author's mother died to help her children emigrate.
Miss Hurd was strict, yet encouraging.
The author answered the phone and heard his teacher's voice.

8. Which of the following sentences contains a compound subject?
(1 point)The author and her sister were dropped at their new school.
The principal was a grim-looking man.
The author did not understand the purpose of hobbies and clubs.

Please note that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over what YOU THINK and make suggestions and/or corrections.

Please post what you think each answer is.

sorry i thought i knew the answers but i dnt

Read and study your text books or other course study materials. Then try them.

1) B

2) B

I just took this quiz and got 100% on it! :)

The answers are


I have just did the quiz and Simba was Wrong I capitalized the right answers that I had wrong.


1. The answer is (2) it goes against a central principle of American democracy. To find this answer, one would need to understand John Yinger's perspective on the natural-born clause, which can be found in his writings or interviews. By researching and reading about his views on the topic, one can determine his opinion and the reasons he believes the natural-born clause should be removed.

2. The answer is (2) Both are citizens of the United States. To find this answer, one can refer to the definition of natural-born citizens and naturalized citizens. Natural-born citizens are those who are born within the United States, while naturalized citizens are individuals who acquire citizenship through a legal process after being born outside of the country. Both types of citizens share the commonality of being citizens of the United States.

3. The answer is (1) The Constitution should be amended. To find this answer, one would need to identify contrasting statements or opinions within the given selections. The sentence "The Constitution should be amended" suggests a view that differs from the statement of "America is open to foreign-born citizens" and "The president should be loyal to our country." By examining the opinions presented, one can identify the statement that shows contrast.

4. The answer is (3) demand total obedience. To find this answer, one would need to understand the characteristics and behaviors associated with authoritarian individuals. Authoritarians tend to enforce strict rules, control others, and expect obedience without question. Therefore, demanding total obedience would align with an authoritarian person's disposition.

5. The answer is (3) hyperbole. To find this answer, one would need to understand the different literary devices and their characteristics. In this case, "nearly dragged" is an exaggerated statement that suggests Miss Hurd had a significant impact on Nicholas Gage's life. This use of exaggerated language is known as hyperbole.

6. The answer is (3) he owes his success to Miss Hurd. To find this answer, one would need to examine the main argument or message conveyed by the author in "The Teacher Who Changed My Life." By analyzing the text, one can understand that the author is attempting to persuade readers that his success is attributed to the influence and guidance of Miss Hurd.

7. The answer is (3) The author answered the phone and heard his teacher's voice. To find this answer, one would need to identify sentences that contain multiple actions or verbs. In this example, the sentence presents two actions, "answered the phone" and "heard his teacher's voice," making it a compound predicate.

8. The answer is (1) The author and her sister were dropped at their new school. To find this answer, one would need to identify sentences that contain multiple subjects. In this example, the sentence presents two subjects, "the author" and "her sister," making it a compound subject.