One type of lubricating oil weighs approximately 52 pounds per cubic foot, or 7 pounds per gallon. A 42-gallon barrel will hold approximately how many cubic feet of such oil?

Ugghh, time to go metric.

42 gallons weigh 7(42) or 294 pounds

each cubic foot weighs 52 pounds
so the number of cubic feet = 294/52 = 5.654 ft^3

To calculate the number of cubic feet of oil that a 42-gallon barrel can hold, we can use the conversion factor that there are approximately 7 pounds of oil per gallon.

Step 1: Convert gallons to pounds:
42 gallons x 7 pounds/gallon = 294 pounds

Step 2: Convert pounds to cubic feet:
Since the oil weighs 52 pounds per cubic foot, we can divide the total weight in pounds by the weight per cubic foot:
294 pounds / 52 pounds/cubic foot ≈ 5.65 cubic feet

Thus, a 42-gallon barrel can hold approximately 5.65 cubic feet of oil.

To find the number of cubic feet that a 42-gallon barrel will hold, we can use the given weight of the lubricating oil, which is 7 pounds per gallon.

Step 1: Convert gallons to cubic feet
Since 1 gallon is equal to 7 pounds, and 1 cubic foot is equal to 52 pounds, we can set up a proportion to convert gallons to cubic feet:

1 gallon = 7 pounds
x gallons = 1 cubic foot

Cross-multiplying, we get:
x = (1 cubic foot * 7 pounds) / 1 gallon
x = 7 pounds / 1 gallon

The units of gallons cancel out, leaving us with cubic feet.

Step 2: Calculate cubic feet
Now that we have the conversion factor of 7 pounds per gallon, we can calculate the number of cubic feet in 42 gallons of oil:

42 gallons * (7 pounds / 1 gallon) = 294 pounds

To convert the weight in pounds to cubic feet, we can set up another proportion using the given weight of 52 pounds per cubic foot:

1 cubic foot = 52 pounds
x cubic feet = 294 pounds

Cross-multiplying, we get:
x = (294 pounds * 1 cubic foot) / 52 pounds
x = 294 / 52
x ≈ 5.65 cubic feet

Therefore, a 42-gallon barrel will hold approximately 5.65 cubic feet of the lubricating oil.