
The state fossil of Nevada is the "Ichthyosaur", a dinosaur that lived in salt water. Why are so many of these fossils found in Nevada?
a)lake mead once covered most of Nevada
b)Nevada was once covered by oceans
c)Ichthyosaur left the water to die
d)ichthyosaurs were washed onto land bt tsunamis
I think it is B?

yes its B.


You are correct, the answer is B) Nevada was once covered by oceans. Many of the fossils found in Nevada, including the Ichthyosaur, can be attributed to the fact that Nevada was once covered by ancient oceans.

To explain further, fossils are formed when the remains of plants and animals are preserved in rocks over millions of years. In the case of the Ichthyosaur fossils, they were formed when these ancient marine reptiles died and their remains were buried under layers of sediment. Over time, the sediment turned into rock and preserved the fossils.

Nevada's geological history reveals that it was submerged under ancient oceans several times in the past. These oceans left behind sedimentary rocks, which are rich sources of fossilized remains. The presence of these oceanic sediments provides ideal conditions for preserving the fossils of creatures that lived in the oceans, such as the Ichthyosaur.

Therefore, the abundance of Ichthyosaur fossils in Nevada can be attributed to the state's past as a submerged oceanic region.