How do I do w-3=w-6 ? Is it possible?

there is no solution. If there were you'd have

-3 = -6

no solution

To solve the equation w - 3 = w - 6, we need to isolate the variable w on one side of the equation. Let's go through the steps to find the solution:

1. Distribute the negative sign across the parentheses: w - 3 = w - 6 becomes w - 3 = w + (-6).

2. Combine like terms: Rewrite the equation in a way that groups all the w terms on one side and the constant terms on the other side. To do this, subtract w from both sides of the equation: w - w - 3 = w - w + (-6). This simplifies to -3 = -6.

3. Check if the equation is solvable: At this point, you should notice that the equation -3 = -6 leads to a contradiction since -3 is not equal to -6.

Hence, the equation w - 3 = w - 6 is not possible to solve because it results in a contradiction. There is no value of w that will satisfy the equation.