Please Help!!!·

In previous weeks, you examined the professional code of ethics for a field in criminal justice and analyzed ethical dilemmas for several fields. How does your code of ethics compare to the professional code of ethics? What are the differences between your code and the professional code?

· How does your personal code compare to the unwritten code associated with this career? To what ethical standards would you hold yourself if you worked in that field?

· What ethical dilemmas does your personal code of ethics help you resolve?

· How would you characterize the ethical framework used to construct your personal code of ethics?

· Does your personal code of ethics seem to match the ethical standards required for the career you are interested in? Why or why not?

Please re-read what you posted. Do you understand why no one except you can answer these questions?

They ask about "your code" of ethics, "your personal code," "your personal code of ethics" ...

To answer these questions, we need to evaluate your personal code of ethics and compare it to the professional code of ethics in your chosen field. Here are the steps you can take to find the answers:

1. Identify the professional code of ethics: Start by researching the professional code of ethics for the specific field of criminal justice you are interested in. This may vary depending on your area of focus, such as law enforcement, corrections, or legal professions. Look for reputable sources such as professional associations, professional organizations, or government agencies that establish and enforce these codes.

2. Analyze the professional code of ethics: Review the key principles, values, and ethical standards specified in the professional code of ethics. Take note of any specific guidelines or rules that professionals in the field must adhere to. Understand the rationale behind these ethical standards and how they guide professional conduct.

3. Compare your personal code of ethics: Reflect on your own personal values, beliefs, and moral principles. Consider how your personal code of ethics aligns or differs from the professional code of ethics. Examine the areas of similarity and difference in terms of ethical standards, obligations, and behaviors between your personal code and the professional code.

4. Explore the unwritten code associated with the career: Look for information or insights regarding the informal or unwritten code of conduct prevalent in your chosen field. This can be gathered through research, interviews with professionals in the field, or observations of common practices. Compare this unwritten code to your personal code of ethics, noting any similarities or divergences.

5. Identify ethical dilemmas addressed by your personal code of ethics: Reflect on how your personal code of ethics helps you navigate and resolve ethical dilemmas. Consider real-life scenarios or hypothetical situations in which your ethical framework guides your decision-making process. Identify specific ethical principles or values that you prioritize when encountering moral dilemmas.

6. Characterize the ethical framework used in your personal code: Evaluate the underlying ethical theories or ethical frameworks that inform your personal code of ethics. This may include utilitarianism, deontological ethics, virtue ethics, or other moral philosophies. Identify the principles, values, or ethical theories that are most prominent in shaping your code of ethics.

7. Assess the match between your personal code and career ethical standards: Analyze whether your personal code of ethics aligns with the ethical standards required for the career you are interested in. Consider the ethical obligations, responsibilities, and behaviors expected of professionals in the field. Assess whether your personal code reflects these professional standards and how well it aligns with the expectations of the career.

By following these steps, you will be able to compare your personal code of ethics to the professional code of ethics, evaluate the match between your personal code and the unwritten code associated with the career, identify the ethical dilemmas your personal code helps to resolve, characterize the ethical framework of your personal code, and assess its alignment with the ethical standards required for the career you are interested in.