Dialogue: The new journalist is no longer deciding what the public should know. She is helping audiences make order out of it. This does not mean simply adding interpretation or analysis to news reporting. The first task of the new journalist/sense maker, rather, is to verify what information is reliable and then order it so people can grasp it efficiently.

The question is
“verify what information is reliable and then order it.” Explain this statement.

I don't get it


Definitions #1 and #2


Especially definition #1 overall -- making something understandable (comprehensible) for others

What is the "new journalist" expected to do once he/she gathers information?

The statement "verify what information is reliable and then order it" highlights the role of a new journalist or sense maker in the modern media landscape. To understand this statement, let's break it down into two parts:

1. Verify what information is reliable: In today's era of information overload and the spread of fake news, it is crucial for journalists to ensure that the information they are presenting to the public is accurate and reliable. The new journalist takes the responsibility to verify the sources, facts, and credibility of the information before sharing it with the audience. This can involve fact-checking, cross-referencing multiple sources, consulting experts, and taking into account the credibility and track record of the source.

2. Order the information: Once the journalist has verified the reliability of the information, the next step is to organize it in a coherent and understandable manner for the audience. This means structuring the content in a logical sequence, providing context, and presenting it in a way that allows people to easily grasp the key points and understand the significance of the information. It involves prioritizing the most important facts, highlighting relevant details, and using clear and concise language to convey the message effectively.

Overall, the statement emphasizes the importance of a new journalist's role as a sense maker who not only presents news but also takes the initiative to ensure the reliability of the information and organizes it in a way that helps audiences better understand and interpret the news.