Natalia picked 7 1/6 bushels of apples today and 4 5/8 bushels yesterday. How much more did she pick today?

7 1/6 7 8/48 6 56/48

-4 5/8 = -4 30/48 = -4 30/48 =

2 26/48 = 2 13/48
First find the LCD
LCD is 48
You cannot subtract 8 from 30. So you have to borrow 1. 1 = 48/48. Now 7 becomes 6. Add 8+48 = 56. Now subtract 6 56/48 from 4 30/48 = 2 26/48. Now reduce. The answer is 2 13/24 She picked 2 13/24 more today!

A grocer paid 4,500 for 300 bushel of apples. how much did 1 bushel of apples cost?

2 13/24 bushels

To find out how much more apples Natalia picked today, we need to subtract the amount she picked yesterday from the amount she picked today.

First, let's convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions:
7 1/6 = (6 * 7 + 1) / 6 = 43/6
4 5/8 = (8 * 4 + 5) / 8 = 37/8

Now, subtract the fractions:
43/6 - 37/8

Since the denominators are different, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the least common multiple (LCM) of 6 and 8 is 24.

Multiplying the numerators and denominators accordingly, we get:
(43/6) * (4/4) = 172/24
(37/8) * (3/3) = 111/24

Now, subtract the fractions:
172/24 - 111/24 = 61/24

Therefore, Natalia picked 61/24 bushels more today compared to yesterday.

2 13/24

The grocer bought 169 bushels of apples. If the unit price was $2.19, how much did the grocer pay for the bushels of apples?

i don't under stand the word math problem