The Atlas of World Religions is an example of which of the following reference sources?

A. General almanac
B. Historical atlas
C. Subject-specific atlas
D. General world atlas

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To determine the correct answer to this question, we will need to understand the specific characteristics of each reference source option.

A. General almanac: This type of reference source provides a comprehensive overview of various subjects, including facts, figures, and general knowledge.

B. Historical atlas: This type of reference source focuses on mapping historical events, civilizations, and their geographical locations.

C. Subject-specific atlas: This type of reference source centers around a particular subject and provides detailed maps, charts, and information related to that specific topic.

D. General world atlas: This type of reference source encompasses a wide range of geographical information, including maps of countries, continents, cities, bodies of water, and other relevant data.

Now, considering the options, we can conclude that the most suitable answer for the example of the "Atlas of World Religions" would be:

C. Subject-specific atlas: The "Atlas of World Religions" specifically focuses on mapping and providing information about different religions across the globe. It would offer detailed and specific maps, charts, and knowledge about religious practices, beliefs, and locations.