In what model of the integrated delivery system do physicians keep their own offices but share administrative and management services with other managed care organizations? A)group practice without walls

B)physical hospital organization C)management service organization D)medical foundation

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand the different models of integrated delivery systems and identify the one in which physicians keep their own offices but share administrative and management services with other managed care organizations.

Let's go through each option:

A) Group practice without walls: In this model, multiple physicians work together in a single facility or across multiple locations, sharing resources and staff. However, it doesn't involve sharing administrative and management services with other managed care organizations, so this option is unlikely to be the correct answer.

B) Physical hospital organization: This refers to a healthcare system where a hospital owns and operates multiple facilities, including physician practices. Although physicians may have their own offices within this model, it does not necessarily involve sharing administrative and management services with other managed care organizations, so this option is also unlikely to be the correct answer.

C) Management service organization: This model involves a separate organization that provides administrative and management services to physicians and healthcare providers. By sharing these services, physicians are able to focus on patient care. This model aligns with the scenario described in the question, making it a potential correct answer.

D) Medical foundation: While a medical foundation can provide administrative and management services to physicians, it typically operates independently and may not necessarily involve sharing services with other managed care organizations. Therefore, this option does not seem to match the scenario described in the question.

Based on the explanations above, the most suitable answer would be C) Management service organization.