Gracie read 150 pages of a book. The is 227 pages long. Which equation shows the amount she still needs to read to finish the story? A.150-n=227, B. 227+150=n, C.n-150=227, D.n+150=227

It's for sure D because if the book is 227 pages long in all then she needs to subtract 150 from it. n is the amount of pages still unread, so n and 150 more pages would be the whole book in all!

It's fairly easy honestly just gotta keep on trying! Hope this answer helped!

~ Anonymous Girl

Gracie read 150 pages of a book.the book is 227 pages long. Which equation shows the amount she still needs to read to finish the story

the anwser is d or c


My answer is c

To find the equation that shows the amount Gracie still needs to read to finish the story, we need to analyze the given information.

We know that Gracie read 150 pages of a book, and the book is 227 pages long.

To determine the amount she still needs to read, we can subtract the number of pages she has already read from the total number of pages in the book.

So, the equation that shows the amount she still needs to read would be:

Total pages - Pages read = Pages left to read

Substituting the given values into the equation, we get:

227 - 150 = n

Simplifying the equation, we have:

77 = n

Therefore, the correct equation is option D: n + 150 = 227.

The answer is D.