2/3 cup of oatmeal is needed to make 10 granola bars. How many such granola bars can be made with 20 cups of oatmeal?


(2/3)/10 = 20/x

(2/3)x = 200

x = 200 / (2/3)

x = 200 * (3/2)

x = 600/2

x = 300

An empty bathtub is filled with water at a rate of 2.5 litles per minuye. how long will it take to fill the bathtub with 30 liters of water?

12 minutes

To find out how many granola bars can be made with 20 cups of oatmeal, we need to determine the ratio of oatmeal to granola bars.

We know that 2/3 cup of oatmeal is needed to make 10 granola bars. This means that for every 2/3 cup of oatmeal, we can make 10 granola bars.

To convert 20 cups of oatmeal into the same units as the given ratio, we need to divide 20 by 2/3.

20 / (2/3) = 20 * (3/2)

Multiplying fractions, we get:

20 * (3/2) = 60/2 = 30

Therefore, with 20 cups of oatmeal, you can make 30 granola bars.