A contractor pours a sidewalk that is 4 inches deep, 1 yard wide, and 20 yards long. How many cubic yards of concrete will be need? (Hint: 36 inches = 1 yard)

4 inches = 0.1111 yards

V = 0.1111 * 36 * 20

V = ?

There are 106-8d common nails in one pound how many are in 50 pound boc


To find the amount of concrete needed, you need to calculate the volume of the sidewalk in cubic yards.

First, convert the depth of the sidewalk from inches to yards:
4 inches ÷ 36 inches = 0.1111 yards (rounded to four decimal places)

Now, calculate the volume of the sidewalk by multiplying its width, length, and depth:
Volume = Width × Length × Depth
= 1 yard × 20 yards × 0.1111 yards
= 2.222 cubic yards (rounded to three decimal places)

Therefore, approximately 2.222 cubic yards of concrete will be needed.