give two examples of areflector with a rough surface

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Anything that isn't completely black is a reflector.

Any surface you can't see your reflected image in is rough.

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Sure! Here are two examples of reflectors with a rough surface:

1. Rough Aluminum Reflector: One example of a reflector with a rough surface is a rough aluminum reflector. Aluminum is a commonly used material for reflectors due to its high reflectivity. By roughening the surface of the aluminum, the reflectivity can be enhanced. This roughening process can be achieved through techniques like sandblasting, etching, or chemical treatment.

2. Stippled Plastic Reflector: Another example is a stippled plastic reflector. Stippling refers to creating a rough or textured surface by applying small, closely spaced dots or bumps. Plastic reflectors can be manufactured with this stippled surface to improve their light diffusion and scattering properties. This type of rough surface helps to redirect the light by minimizing direct reflections and achieving a more even distribution.

To find more examples or specific products, you can try searching online or consulting with manufacturers or suppliers specializing in reflectors for specific applications.