The company you work for is having financial problems and has cut your software budget for the coming year. What is a legal viable way to save money on future software purchases?

A. Use the site license of another company in the same industry.

B. Consider open source versions of the software if they exist.

C. Download the software you need form public peer-to-peer sites.

D. Purchase counterfeit software shipped from a foreign source

My guess is C is that correct?

No, option C is not a legal viable way to save money on software purchases. Downloading software from public peer-to-peer sites is generally prohibited and may involve piracy, copyright infringement, and potential legal consequences.

A legal viable way to save money on future software purchases, given the budget constraints, would be to consider option B: Consider open source versions of the software if they exist. Open source software is typically free and offers a range of functionalities comparable to proprietary software. Many open source applications have strong communities behind them, constantly updating and improving the software.

Using option A, where you use the site license of another company in the same industry, may not be legal unless you have explicit permission from the company to use their license. This approach should only be pursued if it is within the terms of your agreement with the company and complies with licensing requirements.

Option D, purchasing counterfeit software shipped from a foreign source, is illegal and presents significant risks. Counterfeit software is usually of poor quality, lacks support and updates, and may contain malware or other security vulnerabilities.

When looking to save money on software purchases, it is important to prioritize legal and ethical means such as exploring open source alternatives, negotiating better pricing or license terms with vendors, considering software subscription models, or optimizing existing software licenses to ensure you are not infringing on copyrights or breaking any laws.