Oxidising and reduction- Chemistry?

Oxidation and reduction can be described as the loss and/or gain of electrons from an ion or atom (species) in a chemical reaction. For the following aqueous reaction, select the species that is oxidized and similarly the one that is reduced:

Al(s) + 3Ag^+(aq) = 3Ag(s) + Al^3+(aq)

Which is the reactant species that is oxidising and which is the reactant species that is reducing?

You need to know the oxidation states and determine which ones change.

Al is zero on the left and +3 on the right; therefore, Al has lost electrons.
Ag is +1 on the left and zero on the right; therefore Ag has gained electrons. Al is oxidized; Ag is reduced.

you mean Al^3+ is oxidized ,Ag^+ is reduced.

To determine which species is oxidized and which is reduced in the given reaction, you need to identify the changes in the oxidation states of the elements involved.

1. Start by assigning oxidation numbers to each atom in the reaction:
- The oxidation number of Al in its elemental form is 0.
- The oxidation number of Ag in Ag+ ion is +1.
- The oxidation number of Al in Al3+ ion is +3.

2. Next, compare the oxidation states of elements in the reactants and the products:
- In the reactants: Al(s) and 3Ag+(aq)
- Al has an oxidation state of 0.
- Ag in Ag+ ion has an oxidation state of +1.
- In the products: 3Ag(s) and Al3+(aq)
- Ag in Ag(s) remains at an oxidation state of 0.
- Al in Al3+ ion has an oxidation state of +3.

3. Determine the change in oxidation states:
- Al's oxidation state increases from 0 to +3. This means that Al has lost electrons and has been oxidized.
- Ag's oxidation state remains unchanged at 0. This means that Ag has not gained or lost any electrons and has not undergone oxidation or reduction.

Therefore, in the given reaction, Al is the species that is oxidized (undergoes oxidation), while Ag is not oxidized or reduced.

In summary:
- Al(s) is the reactant species that is oxidized.
- 3Ag+(aq) is not oxidized or reduced.