what are 2 unwritten practices of the roman republic?


Two unwritten practices of the Roman Republic were the concept of the Cursus Honorum and the practice of Patronage.

1. Cursus Honorum: The Cursus Honorum, meaning "course of offices" in Latin, referred to the defined political career path that Roman politicians were expected to follow. Although not legally mandated, it was an unwritten practice. It consisted of a set sequence of public offices that individuals needed to hold in order to advance in their political careers. The Cursus Honorum began with the position of quaestor, followed by the roles of aedile, praetor, and ultimately culminating in the prestigious position of consul. This system ensured that politicians gained experience and demonstrated their competence before progressing to higher offices.

To understand this unwritten practice, one can study the historical accounts of the Roman Republic, such as ancient texts, narratives, and scholarly analyses. By examining the lives and political careers of prominent politicians during the Roman Republic, one can uncover the factors that influenced their rise to power and the established expectations of the Cursus Honorum.

2. Patronage: Another crucial unwritten practice in the Roman Republic was the system of Patronage. In this system, influential individuals known as Patrons would provide support and benefits to their dependents, known as Clients. It was a reciprocal relationship where clients offered loyalty, political support, and sometimes even financial contributions to their patrons. In return, patrons provided protection, guidance, and assistance in legal matters, business opportunities, and social advancement.

To understand the concept of Patronage in the Roman Republic, one can study the works of ancient Roman writers, particularly Cicero and Livy, who extensively discussed this practice. Additionally, historical records, inscriptions, and other archaeological evidence can shed light on the relationship between patrons and clients during the Roman Republic.

By examining these historical sources and scholarly analyses, one can gain a deeper understanding of these unwritten practices and their significance in the functioning of the Roman Republic.