What is the value of 3/14 rounded to the nearest fourth?

3/14 = .21428

You decide.


To find the value of 3/14 rounded to the nearest fourth, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the numerator (3) by the denominator (14) to get the decimal value of the fraction. In this case, 3 ÷ 14 ≈ 0.21428571.

Step 2: Look at the decimal value and identify the nearest fourth. A fourth is equivalent to 0.25.

Step 3: Compare the decimal value to the nearest fourth. In this case, 0.21428571 is less than 0.25.

Step 4: Since the decimal value is less than 0.25, we round down to the nearest fourth. Therefore, the value of 3/14 rounded to the nearest fourth is 0.25.

Please note that the value of 3/14 cannot be represented exactly as a fraction with a fourth as the denominator, so we are rounding it to the nearest fourth.