How many rectangles can i make with 12 centicubes? Are there areas and perimeters the same.

To find out how many rectangles you can make with 12 centicubes, you first need to understand what a rectangle is. A rectangle is a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are equal in length and all angles are right angles.

In this case, let's assume each of the centicubes represents one unit. To form a rectangle, you must have at least two rows and two columns of centicubes.

Let's consider all the possible configurations:

1. 1x12: You can have a single row of 12 centicubes, forming a rectangle with a length of 12 units and a width of 1 unit.
2. 2x6: You can have two rows of 6 centicubes each, forming a rectangle with a length of 6 units and a width of 2 units.
3. 3x4: You can have three rows of 4 centicubes each, forming a rectangle with a length of 4 units and a width of 3 units.
4. 4x3: Similar to the previous configuration, but flipped upside down, forming a rectangle with a length of 3 units and a width of 4 units.
5. 6x2: Similar to the 2x6 configuration, but flipped sideways, forming a rectangle with a length of 2 units and a width of 6 units.
6. 12x1: Similar to the 1x12 configuration, but flipped sideways, forming a rectangle with a length of 1 unit and a width of 12 units.

Therefore, you can create a total of 6 different rectangles using 12 centicubes.

Now, let's talk about areas and perimeters. The area of a rectangle is given by multiplying its length and width. The perimeter, on the other hand, is the total length of all sides.

In rectangles, the area and perimeter are not always the same. For example, in the 1x12 configuration, the area is 12 square units (length x width), but the perimeter is 26 units (2 times the length plus 2 times the width). Similarly, in the 12x1 configuration, the area is 12 square units, but the perimeter is again 26 units.

In general, the area and perimeter of a rectangle are only the same in specific cases, like when the rectangle is a square (all sides are equal).