there was very little rain in Austin one summer. In june, the depth of lake travis fell 3 inches from its usual level. In july, it went down another 5 inches. in August it finally rained adding 2 inches to the lake depth. How many inches below the usual level was the lake at that point?

i guessed 10 inches?

You guessed wrong.

3 + 5 - 2 = ?

I don't know it too, sorry.

It's from Saxon math right?

To calculate the depth of the lake below its usual level at that point, we need to add up the changes in lake depth.

In June, the lake depth fell 3 inches from its usual level.
In July, it fell another 5 inches.
In August, it rained and added 2 inches to the lake depth.

To find out how many inches below the usual level the lake was at that point, we need to subtract the overall reductions from the added inches.

3 inches (June) + 5 inches (July) - 2 inches (August) = 6 inches

Therefore, the lake was 6 inches below its usual level at that point, not 10 inches as you guessed.