In the following examples, identify the condition a program would detect (the first exercise is solved for you):

a. 4 is blank 3 a. greater than

b. 8 is blank 8 b. blank

c. 17 is blank 17.8 c. blank

d. 75 is blank 85 d. blank
e. blank
e "Microsoft" is blank "Microsoft"

b =

c <
d <
e =

Is that the answer?

To identify the condition a program would detect in the given examples, we need to compare the given numbers or strings and determine the relationship between them. Let's go through each of the examples:

a. 4 is blank 3:
In this case, the number 4 is being compared to the number 3. The condition that a program would detect here is "greater than". The correct answer for this example is "greater than".

b. 8 is blank 8:
Here we have the number 8 being compared to itself. Since they are equal, the condition that a program would detect here is "equal to". The correct answer for this example is "equal to".

c. 17 is blank 17.8:
In this example, the number 17 is being compared to 17.8. Since 17 is not equal to 17.8, the condition that a program would detect here is "not equal to". The correct answer for this example is "not equal to".

d. 75 is blank 85:
Here we have the number 75 being compared to 85. As 75 is not greater than 85, the condition that a program would detect here is "less than". The correct answer for this example is "less than".

e. "Microsoft" is blank "Microsoft":
In this example, the string "Microsoft" is being compared to itself. Since they are exactly the same, the condition that a program would detect here is "equal to". The correct answer for this example is "equal to".

To summarize:
a. 4 is blank 3 --> greater than
b. 8 is blank 8 --> equal to
c. 17 is blank 17.8 --> not equal to
d. 75 is blank 85 --> less than
e. "Microsoft" is blank "Microsoft" --> equal to