Translate: Cuantos estudiantes hay en tu clase de espanol

Translate:Que necesitopara mi clase de ingles?

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How many students are there in your Spanish class?

What do I need for my English class?

You can always try freetranslation website or any online dictionary.

wher are you all from?

I am from florida lakeland

To translate the sentences:

1. Cuantos estudiantes hay en tu clase de español?
Translation: How many students are there in your Spanish class?

2. Que necesito para mi clase de inglés?
Translation: What do I need for my English class?

Remember, you can always try using online translation tools or dictionaries to assist you with translation.

To translate the questions:

1. "Cuantos estudiantes hay en tu clase de español" means "How many students are there in your Spanish class?"
2. "Que necesito para mi clase de inglés?" means "What do I need for my English class?"

To find the translation for these phrases, you can use online translation tools like Google Translate or WordReference. Just type the phrase into the input box and select the languages you wish to translate from and to. The translation will be provided instantly.

However, it's always a good idea to learn the basics of a language and try to understand the translation process yourself. This will help you become more proficient and independent in communicating in a foreign language.