16. After the death of Theodosius, the eastern part of the Roman Empire

became known as the
a. Ottoman Empire.
b. Byzantine Empire.
c. Visigoth Empire.
d. Christian Empire.




hey o

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand the historical context and the events that followed Theodosius' death.

1. Theodosius I was the last Roman emperor to rule over both the eastern and western parts of the Roman Empire. He died in 395 CE.
2. Following his death, the empire was divided between his two sons: Arcadius took control of the eastern part, with its capital at Constantinople, and Honorius became the ruler of the western part, with its capital in Ravenna.
3. The eastern part of the Roman Empire, under Arcadius, eventually became known as the Byzantine Empire.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. Byzantine Empire.