When scientists use one of their five senses to gather information, they are?


I would also say: they are observing.

usually that word is reserved for sight, but there's no reason any other sense could not be used to observe.

gather data through observation

When scientists use one of their five senses to gather information, they are engaging in the process of observation. Observation is a fundamental scientific skill that involves using our senses to gather data and information about the world around us. By observing carefully, scientists can record and analyze data, identify patterns, and make scientific inferences and conclusions. The five senses, namely sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell, enable scientists to gather different types of information about their surroundings. For example, scientists may use their sense of sight to observe and analyze the behavior of animals, their sense of touch to examine the texture of a sample, or their sense of hearing to listen to sound patterns. By leveraging their senses, scientists can collect empirical data to formulate hypotheses and develop theories.

Hmmmm. If they use one, it is ...

This is a very odd question. Scientists use observation and research to gather information.