5. Julian read 55 pages of a book in 2 days. At this rate, how many pages can he read in 7 days?

55/2 = x --> 1 day

x times 7 = answer

55/2 = x/7

x = 7(55/2) = 192.5 pages

It is up to you to let him read 1/2 page or finish the page.

To determine how many pages Julian can read in 7 days at the same rate as he did in 2 days, we need to find the average number of pages he read per day first.

Step 1: Calculate the number of pages read per day:
Average pages read per day = Total pages read / Number of days
Average pages read per day = 55 / 2
Average pages read per day = 27.5

Step 2: Calculate the number of pages Julian can read in 7 days:
Pages read in 7 days = Average pages read per day * Number of days
Pages read in 7 days = 27.5 * 7
Pages read in 7 days = 192.5

Therefore, Julian can read approximately 192.5 pages in 7 days.

To find out how many pages Julian can read in 7 days at the given rate, we need to determine the number of pages he reads per day. We can do this by dividing the total number of pages he read (55) by the number of days (2):

Pages read per day = Total pages / Number of days
Pages read per day = 55 / 2
Pages read per day = 27.5

Now that we know Julian reads 27.5 pages per day on average, we can calculate how many pages he can read in 7 days:

Total pages = Pages read per day * Number of days
Total pages = 27.5 * 7
Total pages = 192.5

Therefore, Julian can read approximately 192.5 pages in 7 days at this rate. However, since the number of pages must be a whole number, we can round down to the nearest integer. Therefore, he can read 192 pages in 7 days.