34. The _____ has a cell covering made of two parts.

a. diatom
b. dinoflagellate
c. euglena

b) dinoflagellate

The answer to this question is b. dinoflagellate.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze each option and determine which one matches the given description. Let's break down the options:

a. diatom: Diatoms have a cell covering called a frustule, which consists of two overlapping parts, but it is not the correct answer since the question specifically mentions a different organism.

b. dinoflagellate: Dinoflagellates have a cell covering known as a theca, which is composed of two distinct plates. This matches the description provided in the question, making it the correct answer.

c. euglena: Euglenas do not have a cell covering made of two parts. Instead, they possess a flexible pellicle to maintain their cell shape and structure.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is b. dinoflagellate.