Jim and Mary jog 12 miles a week. Is it reasonable to say that the jog 624 miles in a year. Estimate by finding a range.

yes it is .

4 weeks in a month.
12 months in a week.
624/48 = 13

To estimate whether Jim and Mary jogged approximately 624 miles in a year, we can find a range by considering the number of weeks in a year and the number of miles they jog per week.

To find the number of weeks in a year, we know that there are 52 weeks (since there are 52 weeks in a non-leap year).

Now, let's find the range by considering the lowest and highest possible number of miles they could have jogged in a year:

Lowest estimate: If we assume that they jog the same distance every week without skipping any, we can multiply the number of weeks in a year (52) by the lowest number of miles jogged per week (which is 12 miles). Therefore, the lowest estimate is 52 * 12 = 624 miles.

Highest estimate: If we assume that they jog the same distance every week without skipping any, we can multiply the number of weeks in a year (52) by the highest number of miles jogged per week (which is also 12 miles). Therefore, the highest estimate is 52 * 12 = 624 miles.

As we can see, the range of their total jogging distance in a year is between 624 miles (lowest estimate) and 624 miles (highest estimate). Since the range is not wide and there are no additional variables provided, it is reasonable to say that they jogged approximately 624 miles in a year.