A farmer is tracking two wild honey bees in his field. He maps the first bee's path back to the hive on the line y=9/7x. the second bee's bee path follows the line y=-3x+12. Their paths cross at the hive. At what coordinate will the farmer find the hive?

I got (-6/7, 6)

that isn't the answer, use substitution replacing y to the left of the equation 9/7x=-3x+12 solve this for x. then multiply the x you find by 9/7 to get the y

At x=0,y=12.at y=0,x=4 therefore x=4,y=12.

At codinate -3x+12


To find the coordinates of the hive where the two bee paths intersect, we need to find the point where the two given lines intersect.

The first line, representing the path of the first bee, is y = (9/7)x.
The second line, representing the path of the second bee, is y = -3x + 12.

To find the coordinates of the hive, we need to solve the system of equations formed by these two lines. We can do this by setting the equations equal to each other:

(9/7)x = -3x + 12

First, let's get rid of the fraction in the equation by multiplying both sides by 7 to clear the fraction:

7 * (9/7)x = 7 * (-3x + 12)
9x = -21x + 84

Now, let's simplify the equation by combining like terms:

9x + 21x = 84
30x = 84

Next, we divide both sides by 30 to solve for x:

x = 84 / 30
x = 2.8

Now that we have the x-coordinate of the hive, we can substitute this value back into one of the original equations to find the y-coordinate. Let's use the first line:

y = (9/7) * 2.8
y = 25.2 / 7
y = 3.6

Therefore, the coordinates of the hive are (2.8, 3.6).