Randy blew out his ankle playing basketball

what is another way of saying blew out wit out using slang

Either he broke his ankle or he sprained his ankle, depending on what the actual injury was.


thank u

i have a nother one in current question cuz i put another name as Juan

it is scarfed not scafed

how do I write a DBQ?

To write a DBQ (Document-Based Question), you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the prompt: Read the prompt carefully and make sure you understand what it is asking you to do. Identify the key words or phrases that will guide your response.

2. Analyze the documents: Read and analyze each document provided. Take notes on the main ideas, arguments, and evidence presented in each document. Pay attention to any biases or perspectives that may be present.

3. Develop a thesis statement: Based on your analysis of the documents, develop a clear and concise thesis statement that directly responds to the prompt. Your thesis should outline your main argument and provide a roadmap for your essay.

4. Organize your essay: Create an outline that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of your argument and provide evidence from the documents to support your claims.

5. Use the documents effectively: Incorporate the documents into your essay by referencing and analyzing them. Don't simply summarize the documents; instead, use them as evidence to support your arguments and strengthen your thesis.

6. Include outside information: In addition to the documents, draw from your own knowledge of the topic to provide context and support for your arguments. This could include relevant historical events, trends, or additional examples.

7. Make connections between documents: Look for connections and patterns between the documents and use them to develop your analysis. Identify similarities, differences, and any conflicting viewpoints presented in the documents.

8. Write clearly and concisely: Write your essay in a clear and concise manner, using proper grammar and vocabulary. Use paragraphs to organize your thoughts and ensure your writing flows logically.

9. Include a conclusion: End your essay with a strong conclusion that restates your thesis and summarizes your main points. Reflect on the significance of your arguments and provide a final thought on the topic.

Remember, writing a successful DBQ requires careful analysis of the documents, effective use of evidence, and a well-structured essay that directly responds to the prompt. Good luck with your essay!