two cyclists are riding their bikes up a steep hill. hessica rides her bike straight up the hill. adrian rides his bike up the hill in a zigzag path. adrian and jessica have identical masses. once they reach the top of the hill, does adrian have less gravitational potential energy tha n jessica? explain your answer please

No,they both are at the same height.

To determine whether Adrian has less gravitational potential energy than Jessica once they reach the top of the hill, we need to understand the factors that affect gravitational potential energy.

Gravitational potential energy depends on two factors: mass and height. The formula for gravitational potential energy is given by PE = mgh, where PE represents the gravitational potential energy, m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height.

In this scenario, Adrian and Jessica have identical masses, so the only difference that could affect their gravitational potential energy is the height they reach. Since Jessica rides straight up the hill, her height gain will correspond to the vertical distance from the bottom of the hill to the top. On the other hand, Adrian rides his bike up the hill in a zigzag path, meaning he travels along a longer path with more horizontal distance covered.

While Adrian's zigzag path increases the total distance traveled, it does not change the change in height or vertical distance covered. Both Adrian and Jessica reach the same height at the top of the hill. Therefore, their height gain is the same, and their gravitational potential energy will also be the same since their masses are identical.

In conclusion, Adrian does not have less gravitational potential energy than Jessica once they reach the top of the hill because their heights are the same, and gravitational potential energy depends solely on height and mass.