Rose wants to plant a garden. She made an outline in her yard of a regular octagon with each side 8 feet long. Rose also divided the garden into sections as shown. In each triangle and square, she planted flowers. In three of the rectangles, she planted vegetables.

a.What can be the maximum area of the garden occupied by flowers?

b.Find maximum area occupied by vegetables.

I think that the base and height of the triangle is 5.7 feet. How would I figure out the area of the rest? I’m confused?!?!

OOO I forgot the regular octagon has a square in the middle with four rectangles and four triangles. I'm not sure if that makes any sense

It's hard for me to visualize.

To figure out the area of each shape in Rose's garden, let's break it down step by step.

1. Triangle:
You mentioned that you believe the base and height of the triangle is 5.7 feet. To find the area of a triangle, you can use the formula: Area = 1/2 * base * height. Plugging in the values, the area of each triangle would be: Area = 1/2 * 5.7 feet * 5.7 feet.

2. Square:
The side length of the square is not mentioned, so we need to find it. Since the octagon has 8 sides of equal length, we can find the length of one side by dividing the total perimeter (8 * 8 feet) by 8. Each side of the square would be 1 foot less than the octagon's side length. So, each side of the square would be 8 feet - 1 foot = 7 feet. To find the area of the square, you can use the formula: Area = side length * side length. Plugging in the values, the area of each square would be: Area = 7 feet * 7 feet.

3. Rectangle:
The length and width of the rectangles are not mentioned, so we need to find them. We know that the length of the rectangle is 8 feet, as it is the same length as the octagon's side. The width of the rectangle can be found by subtracting the width of the square (7 feet) from the width of the octagon (8 feet). So, the width of the rectangle would be 8 feet - 7 feet = 1 foot. To find the area of the rectangle, you can use the formula: Area = length * width. Plugging in the values, the area of each rectangle would be: Area = 8 feet * 1 foot.

Now that we know how to find the area of each shape, let's move on to finding the maximum area occupied by flowers and vegetables.

a. Maximum area occupied by flowers:
You mentioned that the garden is divided into sections as shown, but there is no specific indication of the number or sizes of each section. However, we can calculate the maximum possible area occupied by flowers by adding up the areas of all the triangles and squares. Count the number of triangles present and multiply it by the area of one triangle. Then count the number of squares present and multiply it by the area of one square. Finally, add these two results together to get the maximum area occupied by flowers.

b. Maximum area occupied by vegetables:
You mentioned that there are three rectangles, so we can multiply the area of one rectangle (calculated earlier) by 3 to get the maximum area occupied by vegetables.