A mean average of 60 on 7 exams is needed to pass a course. on his first 6 exams, Adam received grades of 46,74,70,59,66 and 72. if his lowest grade of the exams already taken is to be dropped,what grade must he receive on his last exam to pass?


to AVG at least a 60 his total test scores must add up to 420 b/c 420/7=60. therefore you can add his current test scores and then subtract that number from 420 to find the minimum he can receive on the 7th test

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To find out what grade Adam needs on his last exam to pass, we need to first calculate his average on the first 6 exams.

Step 1: Find the sum of the first 6 exam grades.
46 + 74 + 70 + 59 + 66 + 72 = 387

Step 2: Since Adam's lowest grade needs to be dropped, subtract the lowest grade (which is 46) from the sum.
387 - 46 = 341

Now, we need to calculate the average of the remaining grades.

Step 3: Divide the sum by the number of remaining grades (which is 5 because one grade has been dropped).
341 / 5 = 68.2

Adam's average for the first 6 exams is 68.2.

Now, let's determine what grade Adam needs on the last exam to pass.

Step 4: Multiply the desired passing average (which is 60) by the total number of exams (which is 7) to find the total points needed to pass.
60 * 7 = 420

Step 5: Subtract the sum of the first 6 exams from the total points needed to pass.
420 - 387 = 33

Adam needs to score at least 33 on his last exam to pass the course.